Besides helping you look good and feel good, what are other reasons people wear nail polish? Well, unsurprisingly, nail polish has many different uses and benefits. Here are five reasons why you should wear nail polish:
Nail polish can keep your nails from breaking.
A strengthening base coat protects your nails to a certain degree. Other methods to prevent breaking nails are letting your nails breathe in between nail polish coats, keeping nails and cuticles moisturized with nail oil, and not picking at nail polish.
DEMIblue’s Cuticle and Nail Oil Pen to keep your nails moisturized, and Nail Strengthener or Deep Nutrition Nail Treatment for happy and healthy nails.

Express yourself!
You can use nail polish to express team spirit, add a pop of personality at work, or simply tell everyone about your favorite color. Holidays are also a great time to play with some fun polishes. For example, Halloween (coming up in a few weeks) is the perfect time for some edgy back polishes, cat manicures, or pumpkin oranges. Christmas is also the season of reds and greens. The options are endless to express yourself with nail polish.
Going in for a mani or pedi can be a great self-care moment.
Even a simple mani and pedi can help boost your mood if you’re tired after a long day. Self-care is important, so going in even briefly for a quick hand massage can help end your day on a good note, regardless of whether you decide to get a manicure or not.
Use nail polish to complete and elevate any look.
Match outfits and accessories. With such a wide variety of color options worldwide, nail polish can be used not only to complete an outfit but also to elevate an outfit. Who says you can’t match nail polish to every look? You can even match the seasons with nail polish looks. Whether you prefer a neutral look that pairs well with any outfit or a fun seasonal look for any situation, there’s a manicure and a polish for you!

Check out DEMIblue’s recent Fall Collection for some fresh colors this season.
It’s a great confidence booster!
Nail polish refines your nail surface. Applying it creates a solid, unbroken surface on your nail. This creates a seamless look to the nail surface and can hide any blemishes underneath. Nail polish looks great on nails of all lengths, creating a continuous look to your nail.